Big and Friendly Mastiff Lands a Gig at a Primary School

It’s becoming quite common to observe a therapy dog in a school setting; however, the latest addition at Riverbend Elementary School in Rockingham County, Virginia, is a bit heavier than most of the educators. The recently added therapy dog is a staggering 200 pounds!

The school where Gabe works has a therapy dog named Gabe who is a massive mastiff, bigger than some teachers and students. However, his size does not intimidate anyone as he is a gentle giant and loved by everyone. The kids who want to spend quality time with Gabe write him letters explaining why they need his company. Gabe goes through all the letters and selects the ones that he thinks need his attention the most.

Gabe, the comforting and caring Golden Retriever, has a special role at school. He is chosen to spend quality time with students to help them relax and recharge before returning to their classes. Gabe is passionate about his job and takes it seriously. He not only provides comfort and support to the kids, but he also teaches them about responsibility. The students are responsible for making sure that Gabe has enough water and taking him for walks. Gabe emphasizes the importance of taking care of an animal and reminds the students that although he is a giver, he also needs proper care.

Gabe, the therapy dog, goes above and beyond in his duties by sharing all the letters he receives from students with their teachers. This helps the teachers to understand what’s happening with their students and provide better support. The use of therapy dogs in classrooms has been found to have numerous benefits, such as boosting attendance, enhancing problem-solving skills, reducing problematic behavior, and promoting a sense of calmness and understanding among children. It’s important to note that therapy dogs are different from service dogs. Gabe loves his work and his presence is truly a win-win situation for everyone involved.

In the education system, dogs are often present to provide emotional support and comfort to students. They go through training but also rely on their natural social instincts to offer cognitive, health, and emotional benefits to the students they interact with, leading to better attendance and enhanced skills. These therapy dogs come in various sizes and shapes, unlike Gabe, who is a large dog. However, the most critical aspect is that they possess empathy and temperament needed for the task, which Gabe undoubtedly exhibits.

We trust that you had a great time viewing Gabe making a positive impact on the lives of these young ones. Don’t hesitate to spread the love by sharing with your pals.

A massive Mastiff weighing 200 pounds has landed a job at an elementary school, and it’s the most adorable thing ever! This gentle giant is taking on the role of a therapy dog and helping to soothe anxious students during stressful times. The students have fallen in love with this lovable pooch, and it’s no surprise considering how friendly and affectionate she is. Watching her interact with the children is truly heartwarming. This is one of the best examples of how animals can make a positive impact on our lives.

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