“Bidding Adieu to the Exceptional Dual-Personality Cat: Cancer Claims Guinness World Record Holder at 15”

Frank and Louie, or Frankenlouie, was a unique cat who was saved from euthanasia by a breeder in 1999. He had two faces and was known as a Janus cat, after the Roman god. Despite being told he wouldn’t survive long, a vet nurse named Marty Stevens took him home and cared for him. Frank and Louie ended up living for another 15 years, defying all odds. Unfortunately, he was recently euthanized at Tuffs University because of cancer. In 2012, he made history by breaking the Guinness World Record as the oldest surviving Janus cat. Although he had a rare condition, he lived an extraordinary life with only one life to live.

R.I.P.: 'Frankenlouie', the world's oldest Janus cat - a feline with two faces - died at the age of 15 on Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014. The Guinness World Record holder passed away at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tuft's University in Grafton, Mass. according to owner Martha

Frankenlouie, the world’s most senior Janus cat, passed away on Thursday December 4, 2014, at the age of 15. The adorable cat with two faces is believed to have succumbed to cancer. Rest in peace, Frankenlouie.

Rare: The Guinness World Record holder passed away at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tuft's University in Grafton, Massachusetts, according to owner Martha 'Marty'Stevens

Unconventional: According to the owner of the establishment, Marty Stevens, the individual who holds the world record has unfortunately passed away at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine situated in Grafton, Massachusetts.

Precious: Marty Stevens is seen here at home with her beloved cat. She called the face on the left Frank, while the face on the right is identified as Louie

Marty Stevens was the proud owner of a special cat named Frank and Louie, who had two faces. She posted a picture of her beloved feline friend on social media, but it was later diagnosed with cancer by veterinarians. Sadly, the cat passed away soon after. Frank and Louie were not like other Janus cats, who usually have defects that make their survival impossible for more than a few days. In contrast, they lived much longer and even won a place in the Guinness World Records for being the longest-surviving Janus cat. Stevens, who is a vet nurse, was supposed to end Frank and Louie’s life herself when a breeder brought the cat to her. However, she decided to give him a chance and took care of him at home, nourishing him through tubes in both mouths. Although he had a unique condition, Frank and Louie had a vibrant personality and loved to take walks around the neighborhood.

Beloved: The Janus cat was set to be euthanized by a breeder in 1999, but Stevens, a vet nurse, decided to bring him home with her

Hey there! Back in 1999, a breeder was about to euthanize a Janus cat. But fortunately, a veterinary nurse named Stevens stepped in and decided to provide the cat with a home.

Fascinating: Frankenlouie was blind in his center eye, but his outer eyes function as per usual

It’s incredible how Frankenlouie, despite his blindness in the middle eye, was able to live life like any other cat. It’s fascinating to know that his two outer eyes functioned perfectly, and even though he had two noses and mouths, he only had one brain. Sadly, Stevens, Frankenlouie’s owner, is now devastated by the loss of her beloved pet who had been with her for 15 years. She recounted how Frankenlouie became ill during Thanksgiving, and she had to take him to Tuffs University clinic where the vet recommended putting him down due to his excruciating pain. Despite her grief, Stevens expressed her eagerness to find another Janus cat like Frankenlouie to keep her company again, saying, “I would love to do it again.”

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