“When Grief Hits Home: Heartbroken Husky’s Tearful Mourning By Owner’s Tombstone”

It’s heartbreaking to see how a dog mourns the loss of its owner. Wiley, a devoted wolf-dog, couldn’t handle the fact that his beloved owner Gladys was gone. He was found sobbing on her grave, unable to come to terms with her passing. This is a testament to the profound feelings dogs have towards their owners.

The sorrowful dog, Wiley, was captured on video mourning at Gladys’ funeral. In the heartwrenching footage, he can be heard whimpering and crying while lying next to her tombstone. Family members gathered around him, trying to console him as he shook with grief. One relative can be seen extending a comforting hand and saying, “We miss her too.” The video has garnered over 9 million views since being uploaded to YouTube by user SarahandtheWolves.

SarahandtheWolves shared that Wiley is among the wolf-dogs who help veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after they come back from combat. These furry creatures provide LARC’s specialized care for wolf-dogs and horses to aid veterans in their rehabilitation. Additionally, the user provided reassurance regarding Wiley’s well-being.

SarahandtheWolves clarified that she is not a veterinarian and cannot confirm if her dog is reverse sneezing like some suggested. However, she emphasized that her dog has never exhibited such behavior before or after the incident. She admitted that she may be romanticizing her dog’s behavior as a way to cope with the loss. SarahandtheWolves also mentioned that she assures people who believe her dog is dying that he is not. She credits the sanctuary’s veterinarian, Wiley, for his excellent work. For those curious to see, she provided a link to a distressing video.

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