Unveiling heartfelt regret for the canine who suffered facial disfigurement from ensnarement

In the not too distant past, a rescuer in Tijuana stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. A charming mixed breed dog, just two years old, had been abandoned on the streets. This unfortunate canine, now affectionately known as Dwayne, was engaging in a desperate search for sustenance while enduring the relentless assault of scalding hot water and stones hurled by heartless locals. Their cruel intentions were motivated by disdain stirred by Dwayne’s noticeable physical abnormalities.

After the hero came across the dog, he soon unraveled the truth about its previous owner—an individual who had subjected the poor creature to unthinkable cruelty. This heartless person had cruelly fastened a wire-muzzle tightly around the dog’s mouth and would ruthlessly kick him with sticks on a regular basis. To make matters even more tragic, the furry companion was left to fend for himself on the unforgiving streets as his guardian served jail time for an unrelated offense. Just when it seemed like things couldn’t get any worse, the dog was brutally attacked by two much larger dogs, resulting in severe head injuries that nearly cost him his beloved ears.

Fortunately, thanks to the compassionate rescuer, the courageous pup was able to find sanctuary at the Helen Woodward Animal Center, a remarkable animal shelter nestled in the serene town of Rancho Santa Fe, California. This compassionate haven firmly believes in the profound bond between animals and humans, emphasizing that trust, unconditional love, and respect foster a lasting legacy of kindness and care.

Even though the dog had experienced immense mistreatment, he exuded a pure and unconditional affection towards everyone he encountered. With a humble gesture, he would tilt his head, showering those around him with gentle licks, and warmly leaning his body against anyone who approached him.

The dedicated staff at the Helen Woodward center were resolute in providing Dwayne with the quality of life he truly deserved. Throughout several months, a team of specialists skillfully repaired his severely deformed front leg and elbow, while also conducting a groundbreaking facial reconstruction surgery to rectify the extensive damage to his nose and mouth. Furthermore, Vet-Stem Biopharma, a highly acclaimed institute specializing in stem cell therapy, generously extended their support to facilitate Dwayne’s healing journey with state-of-the-art treatments.

The technology is capable of extracting tissue from the body of an injured animal and then administering the animal’s own healing stem cells back to the injured area and throughout the entire body via intravenous (IV) delivery. Typically, this procedure comes with a price tag of approximately $2,500. However, Dr. Schaffer, working for Vet-Stem Biopharma, was deeply moved by Dwayne’s story, and thus decided to offer the procedure to him free of charge.

Driven by the desire to utilize all available modern medical advancements for the purpose of healing his injuries, the Helen Woodward Center also provided Dwayne with laser therapy to target the areas affected by his facial reconstruction surgeries. Laser treatments have proven to expedite the healing process, alleviate inflammation, and assist with pain management. Throughout this arduous journey, Dwayne, the adorable canine, demonstrated immense strength and resilience.

Dwayne’s inspiring story moved the hearts of numerous animal enthusiasts, resulting in the remarkable achievement of raising over $40,000 towards his recovery. By August 2017, this once mistreated and orphaned dog had finally reached a point where he was ready to find his forever home.

In order to ensure the perfect match for Dwayne, the Helen Woodward Animal Center took an extra step by requesting applicants to submit a concise essay of 100 words or less, or a one-minute video. These submissions were meant to explain why the potential adopter would be the most suitable fit for Dwayne, accompanied by various qualifications.

As an act of generosity, the center decided to discount half of Dwayne’s medical expenses for his entire life, under the condition that his new family would consistently bring him to the center for his ongoing treatment.

After an abundance of applications in search of a permanent residence for Dwayne, the center ultimately discovered the ideal match in Kelly Nelle. Presently, Dwayne is gradually putting his distressing past behind him and embracing his innate nature as a beloved canine companion.

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