Maine Coon: The World’s Biggest and Fluffiest American Feline Breed

The Maine Coon is a well-known natural breed of cat that has gained popularity for its large size and friendly personality. It currently holds the 3rd position in the list of most popular cat breeds in the US. In this article by tindongvat, you can learn more about the American Maine Longhair cat breed.

The origin of the Maine Coon dates back to the state of Maine in North America, where they are known for their thick, long coats. Despite their popularity, the true history of these cats remains unknown and is often based on speculation and anecdotes. One widely believed theory suggests that the Maine Coon is a descendant of the Norwegian forest cat and the Siberian cat.

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♦ Hypothesis 1: The Escape of Queen Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette served as queen consort of France for almost two decades, until she made a grave error that led to her capital punishment. Feeling afraid for her life, she devised a plan to flee with the assistance of Captain Samuel Clough.
While departing, she took along her six beloved Angora Turkish cats and some personal belongings, although she did not manage to evade capture. Nonetheless, Captain Clough brought the six felines to safety on the coast of Wisconsin, Maine. There, they interbred with local cats, giving rise to the breed now known as Maine Coon. The offspring were named after the places where they originated from, as “big kittens.”

Captain Charles Coon adored cats, especially those with long hair, and this led to an interesting incident during his visit to Maine, New England. While on a walk with his crew of furry felines, they mated with local street cats, unknowingly giving rise to a new breed of cat. The locals were so taken with these kittens that they named them Maine Coon, after the port and the captain himself. In 1895, breeding and development programs for the Maine Coon gained popularity, but it was soon forgotten in the midst of the Persian and Siamese cat craze. It was almost considered extinct until the 1970s when Maine Coon cat enthusiasts fought for its recognition by the CFA association, which was granted after being rejected three times. Today, the Maine Coon is the third most popular cat breed in the US.

II – Appearance Features of Maine Coon Cats

♦ Body Description
The Maine Coon cat is a natural breed and is considered to be the largest in the feline world. Although the Savannah cat is larger, it is a hybrid. The Maine Coon has a big skeleton, solid body structure, and well-proportioned muscles.
An adult longhaired American cat can grow up to 41 cm tall and up to 120 cm long from head to tail. Males can weigh between 5.9 to 8.2 kg while females can range from 3.6 to 5.4 kg in weight.
The head of this cat breed is relatively large but proportionate to its body size. It has a prominent chin and a square-shaped muzzle. These features help distinguish the Maine Coon from other similar breeds like the Siberian or Norwegian forest cat.

The ears of the Maine Coon cat are wide, erect, and relatively large. You’ll also find tufts of long hair on top of each earlobe. The hair around the ears is also long, which adds to its distinctive appearance.
Maine Coon cats have round eyes that come in colors such as blue, yellow, or bronze. Even two-colored eyes are acceptable for white-haired Maine Coon cats.

Maine Coon cats have a thick, shaggy 2-layer coat that keeps them warm in any weather. Their belly and leg areas have denser hair, which helps insulate them when lying on snow or wet surfaces. The long and thick tail hair can also be rolled up to keep the cat’s head warm when sleeping. The chest coat is thicker and ruffled, giving them the appearance of a little lion. They have a diverse range of coat colors, except for hybrid colors such as Siamese or chocolate.

Despite their rough looks, Maine Coon cats have gentle and friendly personalities. They easily make friends with other animals and people. However, they have high energy levels and require spacious surroundings and interactive owners. They enjoy attention and may hover around, lie on top of documents, or crawl between your hands. They are obedient but may meow when bored or hungry. So, it’s best not to let them stay close to a baby on an empty stomach.

IV – Health Issues of Maine Coon Cats
Maine Coon cats are generally healthy and are not prone to any specific diseases that are dangerous. They have an average lifespan of 12.5-15 years, with some cats living up to 20 years. These cats take around four years to fully develop. However, due to their larger body size, they may be prone to some health problems common in large cats, such as hip dysplasia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, spinal muscular atrophy, polycystic kidney disease, and obesity. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant about your cat’s health and take them to a veterinary clinic for examination if you notice any unusual symptoms.

V – Raising and Caring for Maine Coon Cats
Caring for a Maine Coon cat may be somewhat different from caring for other cat breeds because of their unique characteristics.

♦ Diet
It is not necessary to feed your Maine Coon double or triple the amount of food that other cats consume. Instead, feed them around a quarter more than the average cat and let them regulate their own daily food intake. Combine dry and fresh food by mixing or rotating the foods weekly or monthly to help your cat’s teeth work more. To avoid excessively long teeth or reduced chewing power, only feed wet foods. Additionally, use nuts specifically designed for Maine Coon cats of famous brands such as Royal Canin because their chin is quite large and long, which can affect their ability to eat dry nuts.

♦ Hair Care
Maine Coon cats have thick and long fur, making shedding and tangling inevitable. Buy a specialized comb to brush and care for their coat every day to help prevent their fur from becoming frizzy and to evenly distribute oil secretion on their body. Pay attention to the hairs on their feet and near their tail, as these areas are prone to waste accumulation due to the length of their hair. Take your cat out for a bath once a week or take them to a spa to ensure their coat is always clean and smelling good.

♦ Exercise to Prevent Obesity
Maine Coon cats are known to eat a lot but are also quite lazy. Therefore, it is important to take them for a walk in the park or on walking streets in the evening to interact with other cats, or play catch, catch balls, and chase lasers with them for 15-20 minutes a day at home to prevent obesity.

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