Saving a Canine: A Remarkable Story of Resilience and Persistence after 56 Hours Buried Underground

Flossie, a terrier, miraculously survived being trapped underground for 56 hours before being rescued in a dramatic video that captured the heart-stopping ordeal.

In a TikTok video shared by Poppy Vernon, her beloved terrier Flossie went missing on April 25. The video shows a person digging a hole while frantic voices call out for the dog, who was suspected to have gotten stuck in a rabbit hole near their home in Devon, England.
The problem was that their property was surrounded by numerous rabbit tunnels, making it difficult to find Flossie. Despite calling out and using underground cameras, the search continued through the night. Even with the help of tracking dogs, Flossie remained elusive after hours of searching.

Interestingly enough, Poppy mentioned that it was around five hours later when a neighbor heard a faint bark coming from the shrubbery. The search dogs were called back and this time they managed to locate Flossie. In the video, we see Tom Leary, wearing a green shirt, bending down into the hole with his arms outstretched. As he carefully chips away at the wall of the hole, we catch a glimpse of Flossie’s small head nestled deep inside. Eventually, he successfully frees her from her subterranean prison.

Despite being away for four days and spending hours in the dirt and mud, she managed to lose weight but was overall unharmed. A video capturing her rescue has garnered over 3.6 million views.
“We’re just happy to have her back with us and able to give her lots of cuddles,” Vernon shared with the BBC.
In another TikTok post, Vernon mentioned her speculation that Flossie may have found a hole, fallen through it, and then created her own path underground, preventing her from finding her way back out.

“She basically went and buried herself alive,” she described.
Considering this, Vernon expressed amazement at the fact that they were able to find her, and mentioned that they will be more vigilant when she goes outside in the future.

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