Saying Farewell: A Soldier’s Heartfelt Choice to Give His Ailing Dog the Gift of Peace

Back in 2012, Kyle Smith and his loyal military canine, Bodza, forged a strong bond while serving together in Kyrgyzstan. As a dedicated member of the US Air Force, Kyle worked closely with Bodza. When Bodza retired, Kyle happily stepped up to officially adopt his furry companion and ensure he enjoyed a well-deserved and peaceful retirement.

During their time together, the pair made countless memories, but unfortunately at the age of 11, Bodza was struck with a degenerative condition that wreaked havoc on his spinal cord.

As Kyle prepared to bid a final goodbye to his beloved pet, he was surprised to see his bosses show up unannounced at the veterinary clinic, carrying an American flag. In a touching moment, Kyle decided to honor his former service dog by draping the flag over him, showing his deep love and respect for his loyal companion.

“After witnessing the kindness of strangers extending their help to a dog they had never laid eyes on before, he couldn’t help but be moved. The farewell was truly heartwarming and memorable.”

Kyle shared with Inside Edition that what he loved most about his dog was that he didn’t mind what you were up to – he just wanted to be by your side, joining in the fun. Kyle noted that everyone has that one special dog that holds a dear place in their heart.

Kyle shared that he had a special bond with his dog, whom he referred to as his former spouse. He expressed his sadness that his beloved pet couldn’t be around to play with his upcoming son, as he was the most loving dog in existence.

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